Three Reasons you will get a Notice from DOT Sidewalk Violation

For quick and efficient DOT Sidewalk Violation Removal NYC, you must contact us. We provide professional sidewalk repair and installation services in New York City and New York.

DOT Insides:

The Department of Transportation (DOT) is responsible for making the City's 12,750 miles of
sidewalks protective, safe, and sound for pedestrians to walk calmly and peacefully throughout the city. Dot takes precautionary measures by notifying property owners to help prevent injuries caused by defective sidewalks. Each year DOT reconstructs and repairs around two million-plus square feet of sidewalk, mostly on City-owned property and residential neighborhood.

According to the New York City law, the construction, installation, maintenance, reconstruction, and repairing of the damaged sidewalks adjacent to the property and the intersection quadrant and pedestrian paths for corner houses is the ultimate obligation of the property owner. All the spendings to design, construct and repave the sidewalk should be done by the property owner because making and fixing the sidewalks of their property is considered their “Fixed Overhead Expenditure.”

Even during snowfall, property owners must keep their sidewalks snow-free by removing and cleaning the sidewalk ramps after regular intervals so that pedestrians might not get injured while slipping due to snow When Dot inspectors find out the damaged sidewalks during their survey anywhere in the city, they send the property owner their first official notice called Sidewalk Violation. It is always a good idea to hire sidewalk violation removal NYC before it's too late.

1. Sidewalk Violations by DOT:

DOT issues " Sidewalk Violation," an official notice, if the sidewalks are found defective and damaged. There is no penalty imposed on the property owner with a violation notice. One copy of the Sidewalk Violation notice is sent to the County Clerk. It will remain under his keen consideration until the Clerk is officially acknowledged on the matter that good work has been performed to fix them. Suppose the property owner will take no action to make satisfactory repairs of sidewalks within 75 days of the notice being issued. In that case, DOT may perform the work by themselves or hire a contractor for this purpose, and the Department of Finance will charge the property owner.

2. Notice for inspection:

Once the Sidewalk Violation notice has been sent, and repairs have been made within 75 days, either by the property owner or under the supervision of DOT or either the contractor performs the work on behalf of the owner, another notice for re-inspection of the site and location gets issued to investigate the quality of the work. In such a situation, the transportation department is responsible for notifying the property owner of the exact date of re-inspection at least five days before the re-inspection date. The purpose of re-inspection is to ensure that damaged sidewalks have been fixed appropriately and the ramp is now ready for use as it is safe and secure enough for the pedestrians to walk calmly or run fast. The inspector conducting the re-inspection files a new report based upon the outcomes of resurveying and the types of defects that could still need further repairing.

3. A notice of service:

Suppose the property owner fails to comply with Sidewalk Violation within the deadline given by DOT. In that case, the department may perform the work or hire a contractor to perform the repairs under the supervision of the department. The entire cost of material used and labor expense, along with other administrative expenses, will be determined by the commissioner, but not to exceed 25% of the performance cost will become a debt recoverable from the property owner. It becomes the property owner's liability, and he has to settle the amount of work performed by the DOT or the contractor. The notice states the quality of the work being performed and the amount of cost incurred on repairing, reconstructing, and replacing the defective sidewalks to eliminate the danger and threat of injuries that pedestrians might face.


Life is precious, and one should take precautionary measures by fixing the defective sidewalks without involving the Department of Transportation. Suppose the property owner shows negligence and the same attitude towards this serious matter. In that case, he puts in danger his own family and the general public as broken sidewalks could pose a danger to anyone. DOT works for the safety and protection of the residents of the city, so non- corporation and least bothering attitude of property owners would not be accepted thus, sending notices at every level of performing adequate repairs under the supervision of DOT are essential for the lives of the property owners, their family and friends, neighbours and the general public.


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